The Ultimate Checklist for Selecting a CRE Lending System
Deciding on the proper lending system for your organization is a critical decision. When selecting a CRE lending system it is imperative to ensure it

Intelligent Automation vs Artificial Intelligence: What You Need to Know
At North Shore Systems we understand that in a rapidly evolving digital landscape, automation technologies like intelligent automation (IA) and artificial intelligence (AI) are constantly

Key Questions for Choosing a CRE Lending System
Choosing the correct software provider is crucial to the success and efficiency of your operations. With so many options available, it can become overwhelming to

Mobile Lending Transforms the Commercial Real Estate Industry
In today’s fact-paced and digital centric society, convenience and efficiency are vital. With the increasing reliance on mobile technology, it is imperative that the commercial

Why is There Such an Importance of Technology in CREF?
As the commercial real estate industry continues to evolve, advanced technological solutions have become integral to our daily operations. Nowadays, technology is an indispensable asset

Why is Technology Adoption So Slow in CREF?
Embracing technological advancements has become essential for businesses seeking to thrive in today’s competitive industry, where efficiency and adaptability are essential for success. However, the

Why a Singular Platform is Most Beneficial
Implementing a singular platform into your daily professional routine can produce a multitude of advantages. This post outlines the pivotal benefits associated with the adoption

When to Implement New Technology
In today’s fast-paced world, technology plays a pivotal role in streamlining operations and improving efficiency across various industries, and the commercial real estate sector is

Basic Benefits of an LOS
When considering adopting a new loan origination system, there are some benefits of an LOS that all users should consider. In this post, North Shore