How Freddie Mac Streamlines Multifamily Lending with North Shore LOS
North Shore CRE Loan Origination System & Freddie Mac’s Multifamily Div (June 2008) – Freddie Mac implements North Shore LOS for its Multifamily Lending Division, based in

How Sovereign Bank Streamlined CRE Lending with North Shore Systems
Sovereign Bank’s National Commercial Real Estate Group Gains Benefits of Implementing North Shore Origination Software (January 2007) – After choosing the software application from North

ABN/AMRO La Salle Bank Selects North Shore LOS
After a long evaluation period, La Salle Bank has engaged North Shore Systems of Irvine, CA to implement a customized version of its commercial loan

North Shore’s Advanced Origination System Attracts Five New Lenders
Why Lenders Choose North Shore Systems for Loan Origination Automation North Shore Systems is in its third year of marketing its state-of-the-art loan origination and

How ARCS Commercial Mortgage Streamlines Operations with North Shore
ARCS Commercial Mortgage Goes Live With North Shore Systems All in One Package ARCS Commercial Mortgage, the country’s largest Fannie Mae DUS lender, chose the software

It has been a goal of the commercial real estate lending industry to be able to electronically ‘connect the dots’. In other words, a lender

Imperial Capital Bank Implements North Shore Systems For All Of Its CRE Lending
Imperial Bank’s Express (ICE) operation, which originates multifamily loans in 20 days, is now powered by North Shore System’s cre loan processing system. The system

Lutheran Church Extension Fund to Install Web-Based Version of North Shore Mortgage Origination System
Fund Provides Real Estate Development Financing to Lutheran Church Congregations Nationwide Woodland Hills, CA – North Shore Systems, LLC, a leading provider of loan origination

AMI Capital Uses North Shore Commercial Real Estate Lending System
AMI Capital (www.amicapital.com) is going to speed up their lending cycle by 25% by installing the Pipeline System from North Shore Systems. The system, North