Open Modular Platform
The North Shore platform is an open modular platform that is comprised of different functional modules. These nine modules sit on top of a foundation that is a single, all-encompassing relational database, a business rules engine, and a file repository. Reporting and integrations layers sit on top and pull data from all of the below layers. The modules make up all or portions of an individual’s internal processes, from lead generation to final disposition.
Essentially, The CREF Operating System™ is comprised of a collection of building blocks or modules. These modules can be configured in different ways and adapted to individual customer needs. Thus, users decide which modules to implement into their day to day practices. This way users won’t see the clutter of excess modules as they choose which ones to turn on and off.
North Shore Technology Stack

Individuals can use North Shore’s Open Modular Platform stand-alone, or together to form a continuous stream of data. Since all the modules are connected to the NS platform’s Integration Layer, they can all talk to your other systems and link to all your destinations and sources of data.
The more NS modules you use, the longer the stream of native data. Therefore, the more streamlined and efficient the flow of data is. When a client implements the entire platform from end-to-end, every piece of information is entered only ONCE. This applies to origination, underwriting, compliance, reporting, documents, sale or securitization.